Source code for domiporta.offer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from scrapper_helpers.utils import finder

import domiporta
import domiporta.utils

@finder(many=False, class_='detail-feature__name', text='Liczba pokoi: ')
def get_rooms_for_offer(item, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Parse information about numbers of rooms

    :param item: Tag html found by finder in html markup
    :return: Number of rooms or None if information not given
    :rtype: int, None
    if not item:
        return None
    return int(item.find_next_sibling().text)

@finder(many=False, class_='detail-feature__name', text='Piętro: ')
def get_floor_for_offer(item, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Parse information about number of the floor

    :param item: Tag html found by finder in html markup
    :return: Number of the floor or None if information not given
    :rtype: int, None
    if not item:
        return None
    floor = item.find_next_sibling().text
    return int(floor) if floor != 'Parter' else 0

@finder(many=False, class_='details-gallery-thumbnails')
def get_images_for_offer(item, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Parse images from offer

    :param item: Tag html found by finder in html markup
    :return: List of image urls
    :rtype: list
    images_links = []
    if item:
        images = item.find_all('img')
        for img in images:
            images_links.append(img.get('src').replace('search-results', 'original'))
    return images_links

@finder(many=False, class_='details-description__full')
def get_description_for_offer(item, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Parse description of offer

    :param item: Tag html found by finder in html markup
    :return: description of offer
    :rtype: str
    return item.text

[docs]def get_meta_data(markup): """ Parse meta data :param markup: raw html :return: dictionary with data :rtype: dict """ data = str(markup).split('setContactFormData(')[1].split(');')[0] data = json.loads(data) return data
[docs]def get_gps_data(content): """ Parse latitude and longitude :param content: raw html :return: list with geographical coordinates or None if can't find :rtype: list """ try: return str(content).split('showMapDialog(')[1].split(')')[0].split(', ')[:2] except IndexError: return None
[docs]def get_offer_data(url): """ Parse details about given offer :param url: Url to offer web page :type url: str :return: Details about given offer :rtype: dict """ content = domiporta.utils.get_content_from_source(url) markup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') meta_data = get_meta_data(markup) return { 'id': meta_data.get('AdvertId'), 'price': float(meta_data.get('AdvertPrice')), 'surface': float(meta_data.get('AdvertMeters').replace(',', '.')), 'rooms': get_rooms_for_offer(markup), 'floor': get_floor_for_offer(markup), 'voivodeship': meta_data.get('AdvertRegion'), 'city': meta_data.get('AdvertCity'), 'district': meta_data.get('AdvertDistrict'), 'street': meta_data.get('AdvertStreet'), 'phone': meta_data.get('ContactPhone'), 'gps': get_gps_data(content), 'images': get_images_for_offer(markup), 'description': get_description_for_offer(markup), 'url': url }